One of my best friends Vivian is a big fan of bears and as soon as I saw the ad on Santa Barbara 2008 Visitor Magazine, I decided that I must visit the Quinlan Doll & Teddy Bears Museum on her behalf.

Vivian 很喜歡熊,上次她來美國玩,帶回了一隻熊;前陣子看到聖塔芭芭拉旅遊雜誌廣告上有個 Quinlan Doll & Teddy Bears 博物館,便決定幫她去看看。

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When it comes to Dim sum, everyone has very different opinion. So far I have tried 4 restaurants in LA area: NBC Seafood was somewhat greasy whereas 888 Seafood was just average; as for New Capital Seafood, there were not many choices (too many customers at that very moment???) and I couldn't remember it well. So, that left Ocean Star, which I enjoyed better. 

說到吃港式飲茶每個人都有不同的意見到目前為止試了四家不同的餐廳覺得 NBC Seafood 對我來說有點太油膩了 888 Seafood 也普普半島點的量太少記不起特色而且一下子好像就沒菜倒是比較喜歡北海漁村

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去香港前作的功課,說位於西九龍中心 (Dragon Center) 的天龍過山車,是全港首個室內過山車

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The first day I arrived in Hong Kong, I decided to visit “The Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum” in Sham Shui Po.

到香港的第一天下午,就決定先去深水步  的「李鄭屋漢墓博物館」走走。

(步有「土」字旁, 可我電腦上找不到)

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Robert asked his old neighbor, ”Mike, we have been neighbors for more than forty years and I have never seen you argue with Linda. I always wonder why.”
Robert 有一天問他四十多年的老鄰居, “Mike, 這麼多年來從沒聽到你跟 Linda吵架, 是怎麼辦到的?”

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Other than home-made food, we also ate outside a lot in Sevilla. Tapa is my favorite; I like desserts, too because they are not crazily sweet unlike American ones.
, 我們也常外食。最喜歡的就是 tapa; 甜點也不錯, 不會太甜

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七月某天的一大早, 松鼠騎車載我去九份與金瓜石,
Fagus rode us to Jiou-fen and Jin-gua-shi, Taipei County one day in July, 2007.

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Ji and I went to watch “Chicago ” in Hudson Theatre. Winter is the raining season in LA and here it was, almost pouring . . . Although there are only 100 seats in this small theatre, it was not full.

有一天看 LA Weekly, 發現一個網站, 提供一些劇場的半價票; 上星期再查詢時, 知道 Hudson 劇場正在上演音樂劇 “芝加哥,”眉頭不皺一下, 馬上問 Ji 要不要看。

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Thanksgiving and Xmas are two biggest holidays in the US. As a foreigner, they probably don’t mean much to me, except when I am invited to a friend’s place, I get to eat a lot, and of course, have a nice chat with them. However, that doesn’t mean that I am not grateful. I thank all whom I met in the US throughout my study and work – I enjoy learning from my professors, have fun hanging out with friends – watching a show or a movie, like to cook Taiwanese food and share with you . . .

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When it comes to home-made food, I have to introduce our house mom, Trudi, who prepared lunch and dinner for us almost everyday during our 2-week stay in Sevilla.
說到塞維亞家常菜, 就要介紹我們的塞維亞媽媽 - Trudi - 我們在塞維亞待了約兩星期, 她幫我們準備了所有的午餐與晚餐 (除了我們一起去外面吃, 或是到外地出遊之外)。

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在美國住過的人都知道路上有個交通標誌 “停止.” 每次看到這個標誌, 不管有沒有車, 都一定要完全停下來, 眼觀八方, 確定沒車後, 才能繼續開; 闖這個標誌就跟闖紅燈一樣嚴重

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Not only are Sevilla people friendly, they are also very cute – especially the little ones. I met the siblings in Plaza Nueva. Grandpa was glad that I took pictures of them; he even helped to turn the boy’s head toward me.
塞維亞大人友善, ”小人” 也很可愛。 我在 Plaza Nueva看到這對姊弟, 簡直可愛到不行, 爺爺很高興我要為小朋友拍照, 還幫忙把弟弟的頭轉向我。

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I used to take photos of plants, but not much now. When I saw the roses in Balboa Park, it kinda reminded me of my high school and college time as well as my friends in Taiwan because yellow rose used to be my favorite . . .
玫瑰花是我在聖地牙哥巴波亞公園的玫瑰園拍的; 其實我以前常拍花, 所以現在對拍植物並不是特別感興趣; 就在回 LA 的傍晚, 到巴波亞公園的仙人掌園與玫瑰園晃晃, 看到黃玫瑰 - 知道我的人大概也知道我喜歡黃色的玫瑰, 想到剛剛跟台灣的朋友們短暫相聚又告別, 大家都在工作, 我還在渡假 (別打我, 我現在也在上班了), 想念大家, 心中不捨, 決定送你們幾朵聖地牙哥的玫瑰。

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有人說它是洛杉磯的後花園, 有人把在此看的夜景比擬陽明山, 它就是葛瑞斯公園 (Griffith Park)。
Some describe it as the back yard of the city of LA – it is Griffith Park , which is said to be the largest urband park and is 5 times of NY Central Park.

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塞維亞人 (或說大部分的西班牙人) 都很友善; 每次我想拍他們, 都會先舉起相機說 ‘foto,” 大多數的人都很樂意, 只有一個在馬德里的媽媽跟我說 No. 大概首都的觀光客太多了, 所以當媽媽的總是比較小心。
Most Sevilla residents (or most Spanish people, I’d say) are very friendly. Every time I wanted to take a photo, I always said, “foto” and most of them would agree. The only time someone said no to me was in Madrid when a mother refused to let me take a photo of her baby – I guess there are way too many tourists in Capital and she was just cautious.

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What does Torrey Pine look like? Never heard of it before my visit to Torrey Pines State Reserve in San Diego , b/t La Jolla and Del Mar.

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有一天看新聞專訪 Cirque du Soleil (一個加拿大的馬戲團).
I watched the news and knew that Cirque du Soleil had been performing in Orange County.

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Not crazy about water sports, I don’t usually go to the beach. Cousin Tom’s family went to Huntington Beach with another family on Thanksgiving weekend. Why not? So I followed.

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室友 Tiarna emailed 說她11月30要去聽歌劇, 看我們有沒有興趣

My landlady Tiarna told us that she planned to watch Don Giovanni in LA Opera on Nov 30 and asked if we would be interested and could all meet in the lobby.

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* I had the most wonderful afternoon in San Diego.
聽說過草地保齡球嗎? 要去聖地牙哥之前, 做了點功課, 看到Balboa公園有一區專門保留給聖地牙哥草地保齡球俱樂部, 會員們固定星期日與星期二以球會友。

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