Other than the famous Courthouse, there were some other things you can do or see in Santa Barbara.
目前分類:加州陽光 & Sunshine, California (10)
- Sep 03 Wed 2008 23:52
Santa Barbara, beyond Courthouse 聖塔芭芭拉一遊 [SB]
- Jun 28 Sat 2008 23:27
Big yet cute - N. Elephant Seals 加州聖西蒙看海象 [CA]
What we called Sea Elephant is a seal, belonging to the same Pinnipeds relatives with Sea Lion and other kinds of seals.
海象應該叫象鼻海豹,屬海豹科,跟海獅與其他種海豹歸於鳍脚目 (海豹跟海狗、海獅最大分別在於海豹沒有外露的耳朵) 。
- May 11 Sun 2008 23:31
Humpback 聖塔芭芭拉之座頭鯨 [SANTA BARBARA]
We boarded the 9 am boat for whale watching (there would be one at noon and one at 3 pm on Sunday – although every company has different schedules for weekday and weekend)
- May 08 Thu 2008 11:55
越怕的越會碰到 - Californian poppy 加州州花 [CA]
The CA state flower is California poppy, which is also called Eschscholzia californica. Antelope Valley Californian Poppy Reserve is only an hour and a half away, so I really wanted to check it out during its peak season: March-May.
聽說加州州花是 poppy ,知道它的保留區距我住的地方只要一個半小時,便想趁著花季時 (March – May)去瞧瞧。
- Apr 06 Sun 2008 22:28
Courthouse 聖塔芭芭拉法院 [SANTA BARBARA]
Did you know that in 1500s, people thought the current state of California was an island?
The proof is on the mural in the Law Library inside the Santa Barbara Courthouse.
有圖為証: 在聖塔芭芭拉法院內的法律圖書館中,有一面牆壁上畫有當時的地圖。
- Mar 25 Tue 2008 09:32
Quinlan Doll & Teddy Bears Museum 娃娃 & 泰迪熊博物館 [SANTA BARBARA]
Vivian 很喜歡熊,上次她來美國玩,帶回了一隻熊;前陣子看到聖塔芭芭拉旅遊雜誌廣告上有個 Quinlan Doll & Teddy Bears 博物館,便決定幫她去看看。
- Jan 27 Sun 2008 13:35
Balboa Park / 來自巴波亞公園的祝福
I used to take photos of plants, but not much now. When I saw the roses in Balboa Park, it kinda reminded me of my high school and college time as well as my friends in Taiwan because yellow rose used to be my favorite . . .
玫瑰花是我在聖地牙哥巴波亞公園的玫瑰園拍的; 其實我以前常拍花, 所以現在對拍植物並不是特別感興趣; 就在回 LA 的傍晚, 到巴波亞公園的仙人掌園與玫瑰園晃晃, 看到黃玫瑰 - 知道我的人大概也知道我喜歡黃色的玫瑰, 想到剛剛跟台灣的朋友們短暫相聚又告別, 大家都在工作, 我還在渡假 (別打我, 我現在也在上班了), 想念大家, 心中不捨, 決定送你們幾朵聖地牙哥的玫瑰。
- Jan 21 Mon 2008 03:46
Meet the rare Pinus torreyana (Torrey Pine) / 穿壞我一雙運動涼鞋的加州州立公園
What does Torrey Pine look like? Never heard of it before my visit to Torrey Pines State Reserve in San Diego , b/t La Jolla and Del Mar.
- Jan 17 Thu 2008 13:21
Don’t be jealous if you live inland & 十一月天的海邊, 像話嗎
Not crazy about water sports, I don’t usually go to the beach. Cousin Tom’s family went to Huntington Beach with another family on Thanksgiving weekend. Why not? So I followed.
- Jan 08 Tue 2008 16:51
Lawn Bowling in San Diego / 聖地牙哥最特別的午後
* I had the most wonderful afternoon in San Diego.
聽說過草地保齡球嗎? 要去聖地牙哥之前, 做了點功課, 看到Balboa公園有一區專門保留給聖地牙哥草地保齡球俱樂部, 會員們固定星期日與星期二以球會友。