
Other than the famous Courthouse, there were some other things you can do or see in Santa Barbara.

I posted Teddy Bears Museum and Humpback Watching a while ago and I am going to introduce a few other things for those who might be interested in visiting SB.


It happened to be a Saturday when I first visited SB and there was a farmer’s market in downtown. There were certainly a lot of fruits, vegetables, and flowers, and you could test many samples. There were also street performers playing different types of music.

  * The cart reminded me of shopping in Taiwan’s traditional markets.

FYI: Farmers’ markets are held every Tue and Sat in downtown SB (different blocks) and other days in nearby towns - there is one everyday, except Monday.

Janka bought a pair of earrings from a street artist.
在路邊買 了一對耳環,是這位藝術家自己做自己拿出來賣。


Architecture in Santa Barbara is very “Spanish.” Janka is from Slovakia and she said walking on the streets felt like being in Europe.

聖塔芭芭拉建築很有西班牙風;Janka 是斯洛伐克人,她說走在路上的感覺很歐洲。

Traffic here was not exactly light (not as crazy as LA, of course) but it did felt somewhat peaceful – you could lay back and relax. No wonder it’s a top destination for tourism year-round.

* Spanish influence is everywhere 西班牙風隨處可見。

* For those who know me, you know what I am gonna say: the Peanut Milk Shake was TOO sweet.
兒童號漢堡,還可以啦!Peanut Milk Shake 甜死人不償命

* A sign inside Fatburger – very funny!
店裡的一個牌子,還蠻好笑的: 我們店的洋蔥圈與其他店的不同處在於我們在製做洋蔥圈時,我們會掉淚,而當你吃他們的洋蔥圈時,哭得是你。

Santa Barbara Museum of Arts was the next stop. It’s not a huge museum (well, after you worked at the Getty, it’s not easy to consider others as huge) but it got some interesting pieces and a good Chinese collection on the second floor.
吃飽了繼續逛,要提昇一下水準,我們到聖塔芭芭拉藝術博物館 . . . 散步;博物館不是特別大,不過有幾件展覽品還蠻有趣的。

* Messing around with your optics 玩弄視覺


* A big piece  一件大作品

* South America, my next trip 南美洲 . . . 想去玩

We walked really fast because we wanted to catch a guided tour at 2 pm in the Courthouse – I think you can easily spend 2 hours or more if you look everything carefully.

Geeta and I ordered some fish and we all shared with each other. Dinning on the wharf was a bit pricey but once in while, you just need to treat yourself nicely.



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