目前分類:洛杉磯趴趴走 & Wandering LA (14)

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Friends say, “Oh, yeah, I read your blog; the food looks delicious!”

I argue that I also post other MEANINGFUL things, not just food.

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I just moved - yes, again, the 9th time in the past 10 years. 2 weeks ago, my new landlady Carolyn said that if I started to move boxes over, I would be able to see Cereus blossoms.
(沒錯過去 10 年中第 9 次搬)新房東 Carolyn 說後院 Cereus 開花她說如果我那一星期開始搬東西過去就可以賞

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To see goats at the Getty? Are you sure? Not art pieces?

(Anacapa Island)

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Hong-Chih Kuo would start Dodgers’ game and I really wanted to watch him pitch, so I asked my boss whether I could leave an hour earlier and make it up later.

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原本上網查了一家叫 Il Dolce Cafe 的早餐店,看好要點的 Omelet 平常要上班早餐都隨便, 想在到聖塔芭芭拉之旅前,來頓好的


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We went to Pam’s Place for Thai food. The exterior didn’t look appealing at first glimpse - we heard good comments about it so we went.

到一家叫 Pam’s Place 的餐廳。評論多說它的外觀不起眼,不過很不錯吃。

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One of my best friends Kelly visited me in LA and we went out to several restaurants. This was Café Brasil. The outdoor looked great but it was too chilly for us to have dinner outside.


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My college buddy Flora visited me at the Getty and I took her to an Italian restaurant, Giovanni’s Trattori & Pizzeria. My roommate liked it; I also heard good thing about it from other’s blog.
佩頭來參觀 the Getty晚上帶她去吃一家叫Giovanni’s Trattori & Pizzeria 義大利餐廳看網路上部落格的介紹應該不錯

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When it comes to Dim sum, everyone has very different opinion. So far I have tried 4 restaurants in LA area: NBC Seafood was somewhat greasy whereas 888 Seafood was just average; as for New Capital Seafood, there were not many choices (too many customers at that very moment???) and I couldn't remember it well. So, that left Ocean Star, which I enjoyed better. 

說到吃港式飲茶每個人都有不同的意見到目前為止試了四家不同的餐廳覺得 NBC Seafood 對我來說有點太油膩了 888 Seafood 也普普半島點的量太少記不起特色而且一下子好像就沒菜倒是比較喜歡北海漁村

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Ji and I went to watch “Chicago ” in Hudson Theatre. Winter is the raining season in LA and here it was, almost pouring . . . Although there are only 100 seats in this small theatre, it was not full.

有一天看 LA Weekly, 發現一個網站, 提供一些劇場的半價票; 上星期再查詢時, 知道 Hudson 劇場正在上演音樂劇 “芝加哥,”眉頭不皺一下, 馬上問 Ji 要不要看。

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有人說它是洛杉磯的後花園, 有人把在此看的夜景比擬陽明山, 它就是葛瑞斯公園 (Griffith Park)。
Some describe it as the back yard of the city of LA – it is Griffith Park , which is said to be the largest urband park and is 5 times of NY Central Park.

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有一天看新聞專訪 Cirque du Soleil (一個加拿大的馬戲團).
I watched the news and knew that Cirque du Soleil had been performing in Orange County.

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室友 Tiarna emailed 說她11月30要去聽歌劇, 看我們有沒有興趣

My landlady Tiarna told us that she planned to watch Don Giovanni in LA Opera on Nov 30 and asked if we would be interested and could all meet in the lobby.

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I had in mind to do something big and I did it.” —Simon Rodia

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