To see goats at the Getty? Are you sure? Not art pieces?

(Anacapa Island)



Tony contacted Horticulture supervisor Michael Dehart, who led us on a privilege tour to see the goats. We hiked a bit and reached where the goats have been resting since they arrived at the Getty in late April. The goats are usually out to eat on the hills at 9 am. They return after 4 hours and the shepherds can take a lunch break. In the afternoon, the goats will be out eating again.

同事 Tony 聯絡園藝部門的負責人 Michael,一夥人浩浩蕩蕩的走進平常不準出入的閘門,爬了一段小山,到達羊群們休息之處;通常羊兒早上 9 點出去吃,4 個小時後回來休息一下,牧羊者也可以午休用餐,下午再讓牠們出去吃第二餐。因為知道我們要來,羊褓姆特地先把羊趕回欄

* The 3rd and 4th ones from the right were shepherds, who were very patient answering our questions.

3 and 4 就是羊兒的褓姆,很有耐心的回答我們的問題


These are Boer Goats, about 50 of them, all males. They’re famous for fast growth and high fertility rates. The presence of a buck (male) causes does to come into estrus (heat). The gestation period for does varies from 149 to 155 days.

這群叫做波爾山羊 (Boer Goat) ,約有五十隻,都是男生,大概是 8 10 歲;說是不能把男生女生混在一起,因為波爾山羊早熟、繁殖效率高,公羊六月齡達性成熟,母羊稍慢,約 10~12 月;如果母羊旁邊有公羊,就容易發情;一般說來母羊懷胎約 5~6 個月,照顧小羊 2~3 個月,每 8 個月可生一胎,所以兩年內可產三胎。


Mature bucks can weigh between 110-135 kg (240-300 lb), mature does between 90-100 kg (200-220 lb). Does are said to have superior mothering skills as compared to other goats.

They are selected for meat rather than milk production - one of the most popular breeds of meat goat in the world. They also have a high resistance to disease and adapt well to hot, dry semi-deserts.

波爾山羊體型頗大,體重可達 110~135 公斤,母羊約 90~100 公斤,增重快速、母性好、有極佳的疾病抵抗力,適應乾熱天氣,是理想肉羊品種 (不是羊奶)


The shepherd said that the breed is Boer cross goat but I couldn’t find out what cross mean – I guess it means crossbred, not purebred.

羊褓姆說牠們是 Boer cross goats,我找不到這個詞應該指牠們是雜種混種的意思。



The Boer goats usually have white, white-grey bodies and distinctive brown heads/necks. They were developed in South Africa in the early 1900s for meat production. 


* Muriel’s first close encounter with goat.


The Boer goats eat everything – EVERYTHING (so do I???). They are easy to take care of and raise. Michael said that they eat the flowers and seeds and minimize the growth of plants next year, which then minimize the fire occurrence.

波爾山羊真是神奇什麼都吃 (我好像也是???) 很好養,Michael 說,牠們把花跟種子吃了,山坡植物就不會過份生長,火災比較不會發生。


* take a break 休息一下


* They have long, pendulous ears.


* Itchy 好癢

* That feels good 真舒服

* Don't worry, I can get my head out, I can get it in, too.




* What just happenen? Did you kiss me?

They are noted for being docile. The shepherds would name the goats when their personalities start to develop. One is called LA, who likes to pose for camera.

波爾山羊很友善馴良,當牠們的個性開始呈現,褓姆們會幫牠們取名字,有一隻叫 LA,因為牠愛上鏡頭。

* Their horns look like dry woods.


* The shepherd said that horns are removed from some goats while they are little, but I forgot to ask why.

羊褓姆說有的在小時後就去除牠們的角 (忘了問為什麼)

* This is LA. When I touched the horns, they felt warm.

這隻就是LA. 角摸起來溫溫熱熱

* His horns looked very different, twisted, very weird . . .



* the breath was warm, too 羊吹氣也是熱熱的

Are we forgetting someone important???


* No one messes around with my babes. During this 3-to-4-week period, the shepherds can’t leave the site. They camp by the goats and only leave to take a shower in the nearby Getty Facility.



* Happy trip

Thank Michael, thank Tony for such a wonderful tour!!! 
And of course, our caring shepherds.

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