Mission San Fernando, named after St. Ferdinand, King of Spain (1217-1252), is the only mission named after a Spanish king. This was the 17th in the CA-Mission Chain and was founded by Father Fermin Lasuen.
聖弗南多傳道院 以西班牙的聖弗南多國王 (1217-1252) 為名,也是唯一以西班牙國王之名來命名的傳道院;這是第 17 座加州傳道院,在 1797 年 9 月 8 日由 Fermin Lasuen 神父負責完成, 這也是他個人負責的第四座。
Because of the long distance traveling between
成立緣由: 因為神父們在 San Gabriel
Fathers and newly Christianized Native Indians continued to prosper and by 1806, Mission
在神父與印第安人們的經營下,傳道院於 1806 年前,已可生產大量獸皮,脂燭,肥皂,布料等產品。
* Bird view - from Google Earth
Within a short time, the mission had completed the quadrangle and expanded to a larger church. Barracks housed for the nearly 1,000 Native Americans, and there were workshops and storerooms surrounding the quadrangle. All buildings were sturdily constructed and had tile roofs.
在短時間內,傳道院從小教堂擴建成圍著四方院子的建築物與大教堂,營房住了幾乎 1000 個新入教的印第安人,有許多工作間與貯藏室,所有建築都蓋的很堅固並有瓦屋頂。* This is the part that’s open to visitors - from Museum self-tour guide
開放參觀區* Fountain in the middle of the quadrangle
* Blacksmith workshop
* Saddle workshop
* Weaving room 編織房
Monica 到墨西哥買了一張椅子,跟照片右下角的長得一樣,不知現在是否還普遍使用,或是比較像懷舊品?
The natives, skilled in leatherwork, made shoes, clothes, and saddles for their own use and for trading.
印第安人很會做皮革, 他們做鞋子、衣裳和馬鞍 ,供自己使用和交易。* The exterior of the workshop building
This Mission has a sad history – according to my research online:
When Mexican Governor Echeandia arrived in 1827, Father Ibarra did not renounce his loyalty to
1827 年當行政長 Echeandia 到達時,Ibarra 神父拒绝放棄他對西班牙的忠誠, 然而他還是待在那裡,因為墨西哥當局找不到可以替換他的神父。 1835 年,他不願見傳道院被世俗化,當局對他極深的敵意迫使他離開了傳道院。
After secularization, the roof tiles were removed for use in different buildings, leaving the adobe walls unprotected. After the discovery of gold (which was a rumor), vandals dug up the church floor looking for buried gold.
世俗化後,傳道院的屋瓦被移作它用,土磚房的牆壁無頂保護。謠傳有金子後, 藝術品破壞者開掘教會地板,尋找被埋沒的金子。In 1923, the church returned to the mission; many attempts were made to restore the old mission from the early 1900's, but it was not until the Hearst Foundation gave a large donation of money in the 40's, that the mission was finally restored.
1923年,教堂重回傳道之途。許多建築恢復工程從 1900s 年初就開始,但是直到 Hearst 基金會在 40 年代給了大筆金錢,傳道院才終於修復。
* The
The current
現在的傳道院是依照 1804 到 06 年之間建得版本來重建;我們覺得整座傳道院外觀看起來還很新,不像古蹟。
* I heard that only this ruined adobe here is original.
* The most distinct feature of this mission is the long, long, long Convento – hotel.
Because of its proximity to LA, the mission soon became the most popular stopping point for travelers on El Camino Real. The number of overnight stays steadily increased so the padres kept adding to the Convento wing, which became the famous “long building.”
因為很靠近洛杉磯,往來神職人員多都會在這過夜,所以神父便一直加蓋旅客招待所,成了著名「長廈」;招待所這一進獨立一棟,並不像其他修道院,是跟主建築連在一起的 (看上圖) 。
* The Convento was 1 story high, 243’ long, 50’ wide, and fronted by a colonnade with 20 Roman arches.
旅客招待所 1 層樓高,243 英尺長, 50 英尺寬,其外觀柱廊有 20 個羅馬圓拱。
* Inside the Convento, I noticed a lot of decorative patterns on the walls. To me, they looked somewhat artificial - not sure the patterns were part of the original design, or were added later during restoration???
* The door of the Convento – if you know how tall I am, you would know how tall the door is. I do not know why it’s especially low.
旅客招待所的門 – 如果你知道我有多高,就知道這門有多高。
* Mayordomo’s House: the foreman of the mission ranch used to live here.
傳道院牧場的領班住所* artifacts displayed in the Museum
* 好像是枇杷樹?我在西班牙的塞維亞也有看到;美國人的超市是看不到枇杷的,猜測這是西班牙人引進的
Across the street in
傳道院對街公園 (Brand Park) 有神父 Serra 的雕像,神父胳膊放在印地安男孩肩上。
Some opinion says - The establishment of the missions in
傳道院的創立帶給印第安人的影響極深,他們的生活方式、信仰和文化被強迫改變 。西班牙同時帶來印第安人無法抵抗的疾病,導致大量死亡。