Do you know that a painting could avoid slaughter?


It is said that the founding fathers of Mission San Gabriel Arcángel were confronted by native Shoshones, who tried to drive them away. One of the padres laid a painting of Our Lady of Sorrows on the ground; the natives saw it and  were immediately touched by the beauty of this painting - they made peace with the missionaries.

傳說西班牙傳教士要蓋聖蓋博傳道院時,原本住在這兒的北美印第安人(native Shoshone肖肖尼族人)  想要驅逐這些入侵者,一位神父把一幅叫Our Lady of Sorrows 的畫擺在地上,印第安人看了,感動於畫之美,便伸出友誼之手,與西班牙人和平共處,這些受同化的印第安人被稱為 Gabrieliños

* One entrance of the Mission Church

The 300-year-old piece hangs now in the Mission Church. I went into the Church but forgot this legend, so I didn’t look for this painting. When I finally recalled this story, I tried to enter the Church again but it was already closed after the Mass.

這幅300 歲的畫掛在教堂的內殿,我進去參觀時忘了,等到回頭想回去拍時,教堂已經關了;從我拍得這幾張,還是無法分辨那一幅才是。

San Gabriel Mission was founded in 1771 by Fathers Pedro Cambón and Ángel Somera on orders from Father Serra; it was named for Archangel Gabriel. The original site proposed was on the river now called Santa Ana. After arriving there, the founders decided to look for an alternate site on a fertile plain. They crossed the San Gabriel River, and on September 8, 1771, founded the mission near current Montebello - in the Whittier Narrows
1771 9月,由 Pedro Cambón Ángel Somera 神父在 Serra 神父的指示下蓋成的,取名自聖蓋博天使長。剛開始是選在現今的聖塔安娜河一帶,可是當他們抵達時,決定再找個更佳地點,就找到一個靠近聖蓋博河處比較豐沃的地點,近現在的蒙地貝羅市。

 In 1776, a flood destroyed much of the crops and ruined the Mission complex, which was subsequently relocated 5 miles closer to the mountains in current San Gabriel. This fertile San Gabriel plain produced more wheat than any other mission and traded cattle hides and wine. The Native Americans here were also highly skilled weavers and wine makers. It became the wealthiest of all the early missions - one fourth of the wealth of California missions in stock and grain. In its heyday it furnished food and supplies to settlements and other missions throughout California.

的一場水災摧毀了農作與院所,他們搬到了五英哩外比較靠山的現址,在這裡的麥產及其他農產遠遠超過其他加州的傳道院,佔了所有傳道院農產量的四分之一,聽說印第安人很會編織與造酒, 我想是地靈人傑使它變成最富有的傳道院。

* The exterior of the Church & the middle one is a model


Construction of the buildings seen today began in 1796. Father Antonio Cruzado was born and raised in Cordova, Spain. The Moorish influence is evidenced by the Buttressed walls vaulted roof and fortress-like appearance of the Church.

今日看到的建築物是 1796 年開始動工的,設計師是來字西班牙科多巴的 Antonio Cruzado 神父,可看出受到摩爾風格的影響極深

The Church was heavily damaged by the 1987 Whittier earthquake. A significant portion of the original complex has since been restored, with help from our Getty Conservation Institute.

1971 年列為國家級歷史區; 傳道院經歷了許多次大地震:1987
Whittier  Narrows 地震震壞了許多東西,我們蓋提的保存修護單位 (Getty Conservation Institute) 還幫忙修護,有一大部分修的差不多,可是還沒完全弄好,1994 又來一個Northridge 地震。


 I now realized that the historical site includes Mission Church, Campo Santo Cemetery, winery, Peace Garden, Museum, and kitchen. Except the Church, where there are masses on Sunday, there is an admission fee to the site - not expensive though.

要參觀傳道院就先搞清楚,具有歷史性 (經修補) 的建築物,包括教堂、墓園、釀酒室、花園、廚房、博物館等;除了教堂,進去這整個博物館區要收費,不貴。


By the Mission, there are another church and a high school. On the north side is a cemetery, currently used.


* this is the entrance to the annex cemetery


The Museum was not open yet when we got there, so we walked around the annex cemetery and high school.



After the annex cemetery, we found our way to the Mission Church.

逛過北面的墓園,我們找到原先的教堂,就是現在存放 Our Lady of Sorrows 這幅畫的教堂

A small room on the right of the Church is the baptistery with its original domed ceiling, floor, and walls. The hand hammered copper baptismal font was a gift from King Carlos III of Spain in 1771 - the baptistery still being used today.

教堂裡有個受洗的小房間,圓頂、牆、與地板都是原有保存下來的,這用銅錘成的聖水器是當時西班牙國王King Carlos III 送的,現在還有在使用。

* The green sign is a warning against stealing, surveillance camera installed.

Really, what wants to go to hell so badly? Stealing in a church?

綠色的告示是說有攝影監視器,警告大家不要偷東西; 唉,都在教堂內,誰那麼想下地獄呀!

My research says, the altar was made in Mexico City and brought to the Mission in the 1790s; the wooden polychrome statues were hand-carved in Spain. The 1812 earthquake damaged the altar and Crucifix. The statues fell and were broken into pieces - repairs were completed in 1813.

祭壇是在墨西哥市作好,在 1790 年代搬來的,多彩的木雕像是西班牙作的; 1812 年的地震損毀了祭壇與十字架,雕像掉到地上,破成碎片,1813年修好。好像聽說現在都有繩子固定。

After Church, we walked around and found the high school in the back.


* Sign at school parking lot – I guess, parking is always an issue, everywhere.


* It’s about time that the Museum opened – we got there too early

到的太早,總算等到博物館區開了 - 先到禮品部買票再進去參觀。

The Mission Church, Museum, and Gardens are open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The gift shop is open until 5 p.m.

Closed on some holidays - make sure you check in advance.

開放時間早上9 點到下午 4:30 ,禮品部開到5 點,特殊假日不開,要去前先查好資料

As soon as you pass through the Gift Shop, it’s the garden patio where many people take pictures.



Pass the garden patio and turn left is Campo Santo Cemetery. It was first consecrated in 1778. The walls which surround this area were built in 1940 but the foundations are original.

往左邊走是墓園,墓園初建於1778年,這四周圍的牆是1940 年建的,不過地基是當年留下的。

In the middle of the Cemetery is a stone Crucifix, serving as the final resting place for some 6,000 neophytes (Indians). A small stone marker denotes the gravesite of José de Los Santos, the last native to be buried on the grounds at the age of 101 in February, 1921.

墓園中間有個石製的十字架,是6000 多位新入教的印第安人之最終棲息所,一塊石頭記有最後葬於此者,是在1921 2月的百歲 (101) 人瑞 José de Los Santos.

* By the Cemetery is the grapevines that were planted in 1925


* Along the hallway to the back is Quadrangle Patio where the statue of Father Junipero Serra is. The statue was erected to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Mission's founding.

走過葡萄藤到後邊去,有神父Junipero Serra 的雕像,是為了傳道院150 週年紀念而立的。

* The Peace Garden includes a hand-made tile picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe

這是和平花園內磁磚砌成的 Our Lady of Guadalupe

The anchor off of mission's Guadalupe ship (metal was cut off of the anchor to make tools) & a cannon that was found in a nearby river after a flood in 1914.

錨是從船上拿下來的,大炮則是 1914 年在附近的河流找到的。

The Court of the Missions houses 21 mission models - made in the 1930s by Claretian clergy.

園中一處擺有21 個傳道院的模型,叫 Court of the Missions;我朋友先逛到這兒,後來看到我時跟我說,「妳進去看看,一定會喜歡。」 果然,了解我喜愛模型。

The kitchen is a reproduction – you could see what were used in early mission days as well as in Spain; the foundations are original.


* 4 large cisterns were soap and tallow vats - says a total capacity of 2,686 gallons. San Gabriel Mission once supplied soap and candles to most of the other Missions.

四個大缸用來作肥皂及蠟燭的,共可裝到2686 加侖,在傳道院的繁盛時期,還供給麥酒食糧、肥皂、蠟燭等給其他傳道院和當地居民

More photos 還有仙人掌花園等其他照片請看

The entire Mission is not huge and it takes a bit over an hour to look around. I took many photos so spent more than 2 hours in it.

Exit through the Gift Shop -
禮品部出來 -

"Mi Casa Es Su Casa"

"我家就是你家" – 禮品部看到的好個天下一家

The cutest thing I saw that day outside the church . . .




cute flowers, dogs, I mean.

428 South Mission Drive, San Gabriel, CA 91776

 * Info taken from internet and museum pamphlet – I merely translated it into Chinese. Please don't hesitate to correct me if you see any mistakes.

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