The CA state flower is California poppy, which is also called Eschscholzia californica. Antelope Valley Californian Poppy Reserve is only an hour and a half away, so I really wanted to check it out during its peak season: March-May.

聽說加州州花是 poppy 知道它的保留區距我住的地方只要一個半小時便想趁著花季時 (March – May)去瞧瞧

* Antelope Valley Californian Poppy Reserve 保留區

Nicole 去時我們在想怎麼會找可以作毒品的花當州花Nicole 還想說可不可以帶幾朵回來提煉後來想想如果真能製毒大概都被弄走了那輪得到我們


Its growth is best in full sun, well-drained, poor soil, and sandy.

其實 California poppy 中文是花菱草又名金英花學名 Eschscholtzia 是罂粟科花菱草属在日照充足排水好沙質貧瘠地上長的最好

The flowers have 4 petals, each petal 2-6 cm long and broad. It grows from sea level to 2,000m (6,500 feet) altitude in CA, extending north to Washington State, east to New Mexico State, and south to Mexico.

花菱草,花瓣4枚以致花冠近似菱形。生長高度從海平面到 2000 公尺原產於美國加州,向北延伸到華盛頓州,向東可到新墨西哥州,向南到墨西哥,在歐亞澳等地均有栽培

* It can grow 20~60 cm (2ft) tall.

植株高度 20~60 公分不等。花朵單隻,頂生,花徑 5~7 公分。



Their color ranges from yellow to orange. Horticulturalists have produced numerous cultivars with various other colors (such as pink, peach, and red).



It was selected as the state flower by the California State Floral Society in December 1890, defeating the Mariposa lily and the Matilija poppy, but the state legislature did not make it official until 1903. Its golden blooms could symbolize Golden State. April 6 of each year is "California Poppy Day."

1890 年時金英花打敗 Mariposa lily Matilija poppyCalifornia State Floral Society 選為州花不過要到 1903 年才正式成為州花因為加州被稱為 Golden State金英花金黃色正好相互呼應每年46日定為 California Poppy Day


California poppy leaves were used medicinally by Native Americans, and the pollen was used cosmetically. The seeds are also used in cooking. Smoking extract from the California poppy acts as a mild sedative - though the effect is far milder than that of opium.





Antelope Valley Californian Poppy Reserve covers almost 1800 acre (7 km²)

保留區將近有1800 英畝 (7平方公里)


There are 7 miles of trails in Antelope Valley Californian Poppy Reserve; mostly moderate. It is usually very windy in spring.

內有7 英哩的健行步道不會很難爬看到很多阿公阿媽來玩,也有看到推娃娃車



Antelope Valley Californian Poppy Reserve is considered high altitude desert. There are many other plants and animals. This was blooming cactus in front of the Interpretive Center, which only opens during blossom season - although the park is open year round.




It is also pictured in welcome signs while entering California.




I checked out Reserve website before my visit; it recommended visitors to stay on trial because rattlesnakes were out.  When we got there, a staff member was actually introducing a snake on her body . . .



I am really a good girl and stayed on trial. However, I still encountered 2. While walking on the trail, I noticed that after I stepped out my right foot, a tiny snake withheld – probably because it heard my foot stepping. I didn’t have much time to response – stepped out my left foot and I continued to walk, didn’t dare to look back and observe it.



During this hour of hiking, we saw giant ants and several types of lizards, none of which I could identify, of course. We were getting into car and ready to leave, and I thought I was safe. Well, while I drove out towards the Reserve entrance, I saw a 2nd snake crossing the road. I couldn’t even stop my car on time. I looked back via the mirror and noticed that it continued to cross the road. I was so relived that this little thing was not hurt.

這一路健行約一小時有碰到很大隻的螞蟻與好幾種不同的蜥蜴 (當然沒一隻叫得出名字) 後來要開車離去想說應該安全了結果在開出保留區的柏油路上看到第二隻蛇在過馬路我根本來不及煞車一開過從後照鏡看那一條細細淺黃的小東西繼續過馬路嚇死我了還好它沒事


Nicole wanted to see snakes but she saw none. I was so scared of snakes and I met 2. She said I was lucky – well, what do you think?

Nicole 很想看看蛇,偏偏一條也沒見著,我怕得不得了,偏偏看到了兩隻,她直說我 lucky 唉,這怎麼說呢!?


More photos 更多照片:

* Info taken from the internet and Reserve brochure/website - please don't hesitate to correct me if you see any mistakes.
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