
七月某天的一大早, 松鼠騎車載我去九份與金瓜石,
Fagus rode us to Jiou-fen and Jin-gua-shi, Taipei County one day in July, 2007.

*已廢棄的日式舊屋 Deserted Japanese style house 人去樓空

Huge, can be an umbrella

沿著軌道邊 Along the Railroad; 是當年運金的鐵道吧!
Lightweight Cart Rail, used to transport gold

八點多就到了, 爬上黃金神社的路卻是熱的不得了, 對於剛從美國回來的我真是大考驗
We got there around 8-ish and it’s already hot, hot, hot. The way leading to Gold Temple was a big challenge for me.

黃金神社 Gold Temple behind me


*西班牙有羅馬廢墟 我們有日本廢墟 都只剩樑柱了

*Roman Ruin in Spain & Japanese Ruin (Gold Temple) in Taiwan - history repeats


Decoration inside the Tourist Information Center

黃金博物館內唯一可碰觸的黃金, 很重的, 兩個人從兩邊同時推不動的

The only gold (Guinness World Record 200Kg) you are allowed to touch inside the Museum of Gold. Two big men can’t move it at all however hard they try to push

* 生活美學體驗坊

Living Experience Workshop, renovated/preserved Japanese style house

*轉角遇到愛 TV commercial

那個人在哪兒? Where is my Mr. Right?

*戰俘營遺址 The POW Camp

*黃金瀑布 Golden Falls


* 長仁三坑廢煙道 Abandoned Smoke Tunnels: to re-conduct poisonous smoke

*茶壺山 Teapot Mountain

算八字的老師說我命中缺金, 要佩戴個純金的小東西, 我特地到黃金博物館的禮品部買了一個小吊飾

The fortune teller told me that I need a small piece of "gold" to change my fortune. "Pure gold," she said. I got this from the Museum gift shop. Wish me luck!

把過去的礦坑改建成旅遊景點, 讓我想起三年前到科羅拉多州的 Georgetown, 1859年開始採金與銀礦, 目前已是觀光景點, 火車軌道上行駛舊蒸氣火車, 享受環繞 Georgetown Rocky Mountains 之美, 最好提早訂票, 只有五月到十月行駛 (最近好像停駛???)

Converting a deserted mining area into an attraction reminds me of Georgetown in Colorado . It began as a mining camp in 1859 with gold and silver ore, and now it is a great tourist spot. The Georgetown Loop Railroad: old-time steam locomotive chugs its way up the canyon, hauling your train past the remains of several gold and silver mines. Remember to make reservation; it only runs from late May to early October.

*蒸氣火車箱 old-time steam locomotive

*The beauty of the Rocky Mountains

***For non-Taiwanese friends***

Jiou-fen in Chinese means “9 sets.” There used to be 9 families living in this area, which was on a hillside - not transportation friendly. Every time when the residents purchased commodity, they always got 9 of the same item for each family. Thus came the name of 9 sets

Jin-gua-shi: Jin means “gold” in Chinese. When Japan occupied Taiwan in the beginning of the 20th century, they found gold here. Thus, they built factories and housing and developed it into a gold mining center. It is now converted into a tourist attraction - Gold Ecological Park , which includes 4 major constructions: Museum of Gold , Living Experience Workshop, Environment Education Center , and Crown Prince Chalet.

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    小瓜呆 murielee84

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