Not only are Sevilla people friendly, they are also very cute – especially the little ones. I met the siblings in Plaza Nueva. Grandpa was glad that I took pictures of them; he even helped to turn the boy’s head toward me.
塞維亞大人友善, ”小人” 也很可愛。 我在 Plaza Nueva看到這對姊弟, 簡直可愛到不行, 爺爺很高興我要為小朋友拍照, 還幫忙把弟弟的頭轉向我。
* 全家一起拍時, 奶奶跟媽媽就有點害羞啦!
Grand mom and mom appeared to be shy but Grandpa really enjoyed the moment.
* (市集裡) 只有左手出現在照片內的奶奶幫我逗小嬰兒
(Saturday market) The Grand mom, whose left hand partially showed in this photo, played with the baby and tried to get her to smile for camera.
* (市集裡) 這個媽媽也很合作, 可是小嬰兒覺得市集太有趣了, 一點都不甩我們。 辛苦的媽媽!
(Saturday market) This sweat mom also tried to help me. However, the baby thought the market was way more interesting and did not look toward my direction at all. I appreciated her effort though.
* (大街上) 這個爺爺更賣力, 可是小嬰兒一臉無辜卻又不笑, 我反而覺得爺爺的表情比較生動呢!
This Grandpa tried so hard but the baby was just kinda curious, taking it easy. I thought Grandpa had more vivid expression!
* 市集一景
Also in the Saturday market
* 嗯, 我的蛋糕很好吃喔! 你要吃一口嗎?
My cake is excellent; would you like some?
* 我可以看看我的照片嗎?
Give me the camera, I want to see how cute I am
* (Maria Luisa 公園一角) 玩沙子玩得很專注
(Maria Luisa Park) She was very concentrated on playing dirt / sands
* 男的帥
Baby boy gonna grow up handsome
* 女的嬌
Baby girl gonna grow up beautiful
* 長大了跟這些姐姐一樣漂亮
I dressed sloppy.
* 西班牙人也有認養大陸的小孩, 我想她們在這兒, 可以受到比較好的教育吧! 祝福她!
While we were waiting to be seated for dinner by Guadalquivir River, we saw a Sevilla lady, who adapted a baby girl from China. I give them my best wish!
* 哈! 別惹我們! 我們也有功夫的!
Such high spirit – exactly what I need.
接下來就是我的艷遇啦! 喔? 沒有艷遇啦!
話說我們一行人走累了, 找一家店坐下來, 我正要品嚐我的第一杯塞維亞咖啡, 有一個小人跑出店門外; 我的相機一直是掛在脖子上的, 馬上要拍, 結果這小子害羞, 要滾回店裡; 他爸爸更絕, 把他往外推, 要他當我的模特兒; 看見他爸爸那魔掌了吧!
After walking for a while, we found a bar and ordered some drinks. I was about to enjoy my first Sevilla coffee, a kid ran out of the door. I raised my camera immediately, but he was shy and ran into the bar. His father, however, pushed him out of door – he wanted us to take pictures of the kid. Did you see the father’s hand pushing him out?
哈哈, 既然爸爸都這麼大方, 我也不客氣的追著他拍。
爸爸 (名叫 Fran) 出來, 問我是不是可以把照片寄給他, 我說沒問題, 他便把 email 給我。
Father (his name is Fran) came out of the bar, asking whether if I could email him the pictures. Of course; I’d be delighted to.
後來我們喝完, 想要繼續逛; 進去買單時, 爸爸竟然已經幫我們付賬了; 真可惜他已經有小孩, 不然我就, 我就 (請自行想像) . . .
過了幾天, 我把照片e 給他, 他還回信說, 下次去塞維亞要通知他。
When we went inside to get the bill, we were SURPRISED to find out that Fran had paid for us. Oh, such a generous person.
A few days later, I emailed Fran the photos. He replied, saying that I should notify him if I ever visit Sevilla again.
* 這個是店裡的記帳方法: 1 歐元是我的咖啡, 1.60 應該是Lynda 的紅酒, 1.30 是Patti的可樂。
BTW, this is how they keep track of your orders. 1 (Euro) was my coffee, 1.60 was Lynda’s red wine, and 1.30 was Patti’s Coke.
結論就是, 塞維亞人真是太可愛了
My conclusion is that, Sevilla people are just too cute!