
在美國住過的人都知道路上有個交通標誌 “停止.” 每次看到這個標誌, 不管有沒有車, 都一定要完全停下來, 眼觀八方, 確定沒車後, 才能繼續開; 闖這個標誌就跟闖紅燈一樣嚴重

An actor was on his way to the theatre and he was late for the call. He saw a stop sign and slowed down. However he did not come to a full stop. As soon as he passed the stop sign, the police officer stopped him.
有一位演員趕到劇場演出, 快遲到了, 所以看到停止標誌時, 並沒有完全停下車子, 只是慢下來, 然後又繼續開; 一超過停止標誌, 警察就把他攔住

The actor begged, “officer, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY slowed down.”
這位演員乞求警察, 他說, “我有慢下來, 真的開得很慢, 很慢”

The cop told him to get out of the car and asked him to put his two hands on the ground as if he was doing push-up. The cop then took out his club and started to hit the actor’s butt, saying, “Do you want me to slow down, or stop?”
警察叫他下車, 兩手放地上, 好像是要做伏地挺身的姿勢
然後警察拿出警棍, 開始打他屁股, 說, “你要我慢下來, 還是停下來?”

    創作者 murielee84 的頭像

    小瓜呆 murielee84

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