
It took me three days. A very long “three days.”

I left on Saturday afternoon and planned to arrive at Winslow, AZ, where I had already made a reservation the previous day. Yahoo map said that it would take about 7.5 hours, which, for me, translated to 8 ~ 9 hours, including break time.
星期六下午從表哥家出發,預計到達已經訂好旅館在亞利桑那州的Winslow Yahoo 地圖說要七個半小時,換算成小瓜呆公式,就是八到九小時。

Once your car reached a certain speed, it was somehow effortless – just let it drive and be aware of the trucks changing lanes. Most trucks would stay on the right lane, until they met a slower vehicle and wanted to pass it.

I was afraid that I would fall sleep, so I planned to call friends in Taiwan and talk for a little bit. So stupid of me that I forgot where I put my ear piece. My Little White was packed with all my belongings and I just could not find it. It must be somewhere . . . inside this car . . . I really knew how to pack.
擔心路上會睡著,打算打電話給臺灣的朋友,稍微聊一下天,誰知竟然找不到耳機;我的小白就這麼大,一定在車內的某處 . . . 我真是會打包呀!

And I saw some flash . . . light? Was that lightening?
Oh, my God. You saw the thick clouds ahead of you, and the lightening went on and on and on. The light was so bright against the dark sky, sometimes so bright that I could barely keep my eyes open.
就看到閃過亮光,不會吧,是閃電,那就是說 . . .

However much I preyed, the storm came - not surprisingly. The rain started to hit my windshield, harder and harder, and all I saw was my headlight. I was very nervous; since I did not know what else to do, I just kept driving, slower. I ended up following a truck so that I could see its light, too.

The rain went on; then I saw a sign –  “dear the next 20 miles,” with a drawing of a running deer.
What? Are you kidding? It’s so slippery, how could you brake to avoid hitting a deer? Well, I guess deer would not be out since it was pouring, so I should not have to worry.
雨還在下,就看到號誌,說接下來 20 哩會有鹿,別開玩笑,這麼滑,煞車哪煞得住?不過鹿應該也在躲雨吧!?

The rain and lightening seemed to go on forever, and suddenly, I felt several bumps, as if I was not scared and worried enough. Oh, I just had tires replaced because the rear ones were worn out and making noise. So, tires SHOULD be OK, right? While my mind went through several possibilities and worries, I saw another sign, standing in the rain, “ROUGH ROAD.” Well, so it was the road condition, not my car. That’s comforting.

And, Construction sign re-appeared, as if it was afraid that I would forget how to spell this word and had to remind me so many times since I got on I-40. Pouring rain, rough road, beware of deer, and then construction – only foul language could express my feelings and release my tension at this point . . .
很暗   想罵人   #%$*#%  

After the rain gradually died down, I exited the highway and called my cousin. I was so exhausted that I felt I had to take a nap before I could hit the road again. I rested for about 20 minutes and continued on I-40. Before I got to the motel, I saw three cars in total, already pulled aside by police officers; yeah, in the rain. I felt bad for them.
雨總算過了,我下交流道,找個地方上廁所,打電話給大哥,說我要睡一下再上路,休息了二十分鐘後繼續開。到旅館前總共看到警車燈亮三次,有三位不幸的苦主,在這暴風雨之夜被警察攔下,我心有戚戚焉 . . .

Well, under such high speed, you thought the heavy rain would help clean the car.
N-O, NO, the top was still covered with dirt.   #%$*#%

It passed midnight when I checked in and I was so exhausted that I forgot to take back my driver’s license from the staff (embarrassing . . .) Maybe I should have left a bit earlier, or, not so ambitious to drive so long within one day nest time, if there is next time . . .
到旅館時已經過半夜了,我累到駕照都忘記拿回來了,真監介 (尷尬) 或許下次要早點上路,或是別野心太大,一天開太遠。

Since I checked in late, I asked to check out late as well. Thus, I did not leave until almost noon. It didn’t take long to enter New Mexico but I was very sleepy and stayed in the NM welcome center longer than I expected. My goal today was to reach Albuquerque where a friend lives. I was driving for almost 6 hours on the second day. Although shorter in driving time and distance, I seemed to be sleepier than the first day.
隔天只要開到新墨西哥州的Albuquerque ,不到六小時,跟昨天的八個半小時加暴雨,今天算是小 case,天氣晴朗又有涼風,可是我很睏 . . .

And I lost an hour when entering NM – an hour of my precious life.

It was a somewhat odd feeling driving alone on the road. Sometimes the radio reception was weak, and you began to talk to yourself, or sing out loud. When you and certain cars started to pass each other, you identified them as your travel companions. It felt better somehow, knowing that someone else was driving on the same road with you, in the darkness . . . you were not that alone . . .


At times I saw cars full of belongings, just like mine, except theirs were really full. I doubted the rear mirror was useful at all.

When you think about it, it’s just a LONGER drive, but people’s lives probably make a HUGE turn because of one journey. Do they depart with expectation and hope? Are they running away? Or they are somehow unwillingly to make such a trip?
What about my journey?

I also spent about 6 hours on the road the last day. Been driving for such a long time, I could barely SIT on my seat. I changed to Route 84 from I-40. Route 84 seemed to go on forever – the scenery was pretty much the same all the way.

I lost another hour getting into Texas. At least, there was no rain, no lightening, nor dear.
進入德州我又少了一小時屁股是坐不住了 . . . 不過,至少無風、無雨、無閃電、無鹿 (或是牛)

After a week and a half, I am still tired. I don’t think I intend to do long distance driving anytime soon.

(from google earth)
You know, when you look at the map, it’s only half of the country, says 1109-ish miles. Next time, I shall drive cross the whole country, for fun.
其實也還好,美國東西向的一半,只有 1774 公里。

*** If I calculated it right, my Little White ran for 36 miles per gallons in average throughout the trip. If I had known it ran that well, I should pack with more stuff . . .

*** I found my cell phone ear piece the second day in my camera bag - when I packed, I was so sure that I would take photos along the way, as you know how much I love photography. Surprisingly, I did not take a single one. I guess I was really really exhasuted . . .


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