小瓜呆今年五月去了西班牙一趟上比較藝術課, 買回一件人見人愛的紀念品

I took a ”Comparative Arts” class in Seville, Spain, this May and brought back the best souvenir ever.

* 純藝術作品, 請不要想歪了Just art! Don’t think otherwise.
圍裙啦 It's an apron.

大家可能會覺得奇怪: 這不是義大利雕像嗎? 沒錯, 義大利人曾統治西班牙, 塞維亞附近有個景點叫 Italica, 是羅馬人住過的廢墟, 裡面有一類似雕像, 目前真品已移至考古博物館, 原處是複製品

You may wonder, isn’t it Italian art? That’s right; Roman once ruled . Romans built a city, called Italia, close to Sevilla; it is now a ruin and an attraction. A similar statue (to this apron) was found there and has been relocated to Archeology Museum .

* 考古博物館 Archeology Museum

* 博物館藏 A Real Piece in Archeology Museum

*這個雕像下的黃土可產生很大的磨擦力, 適合鬥牛場用
The yellow dirt is perfect for bullfighting.

It is said that Romans created seven days as a week.

*人虎搏鬥, 羅馬競技場 Gladiatorial Combat, Italica
    創作者 murielee84 的頭像

    小瓜呆 murielee84

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